Here are some of the best percentage calculator apps for mobile users:

Calculator Plus (iOS/Android)

A simple and user-friendly calculator that includes percentage functions. It also features a history tape to keep track of calculations. For more information please visit percentager
Percentage Calculator (iOS/Android)

Specifically designed for percentage calculations. It offers various functions like calculating discounts, profit margins, and more.
MyScript Calculator (iOS/Android)

Allows users to write calculations by hand, including percentages. It’s great for those who prefer a more natural input method.
Simple Percentage Calculator (Android)

A straightforward app focused solely on percentage calculations. It’s lightweight and easy to navigate.
Percentages (iOS)

Offers detailed breakdowns for percentage-related calculations, such as finding percentages of a number or comparing two values.
Financial Calculator (iOS/Android)

A more comprehensive app that includes percentage calculations along with other financial functions like loan amortization and investment analysis.
Google Sheets (iOS/Android)

While not a dedicated calculator, it allows for complex calculations, including percentages, and offers great flexibility for various needs.
These apps cater to different needs, from basic percentage calculations to more complex financial analyses.